Tag Archives: Award

Award Catching Up ~ Seven by Seven and Versatile Blogger

During the month of December, I was consumed with Christmas preparation so am very late acknowledging two wonderful bloggers who nominated me for two awards.

To Elyse at Fiftyfourandahalf, I am honored that you thought of me for the Seven by Seven Link award. Your wit makes me smile and laugh out loud. Your words create pictures in my mind and sometimes I wish they did not! Thank you so very much!

One of the things that I must do accepting this award is tell something that nobody knows about me.  This is tough because I tell everybody everything, so I will share something that is little known. A long time ago I ran into my dad’s business car. He had pulled in to the driveway as I was backing out of the garage with my sister on our way to do some shopping. My dad got out of the car and started yelling and waving. I didn’t see him. He threw his briefcase at the car. I didn’t hear it (loud music blaring you know). He finally slammed his car door shut and ran for his life. I scraped the front half of his car with our family car. I spent the remainder of the evening erasing the evidence with a bottle of 409.

As part of the 7×7 award I get to highlight a few posts based on the following categories:

Now comes the nominations and some may have already received this award (those I know already received this award were not on my list – I love all of the blogs I follow):

  1. A Winsome Journey – Jess is living a life that I love but do not have the patience or animal loving instincts to endure…check her out.
  2. Grace and Space – Love this blog. Wisdom and words that connect with me.
  3. notquiteold – I love to read how notquite old is dealing with life one day at a time.
  4. Old Girl New Tricks – Wish I lived near Old Girl New Tricks. I would go on a daily walk with her.
  5. RvingGirl – she blogs for fun and to share a message, check her out.
  6. Undercover Surfer – I love to follow the story of Undercover Surfer’s life, we have a lot in common.
  7. The Pearl – A young mom on a journey of love and faith.

For the nominees, to carry on the tradition just:

  1. Tell something about yourself that no one knows;
  2. List 7 of your posts, including:  Most Beautiful; Most Helpful, Most Popular, Most Controversial, Most Surprisingly Successful, Most Underrated, and Most Prideworthy
  3. Nominate 7 bloggers to receive this award.
That’s it… congratulations!


The Versatile Blogger Award

Thank you to Jess at A Winsome Journey for the Versatile Blogger award. The participating rules for the Versatile Blogger are as follows:

1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.

Thank you so much, Jess! I love to visit your blog and live vicariously through you. Always wanted a farm (but without the animals and the mess and the work). By following your blog I get to have my farm just the way I want it…in my imagination.

2. Reveal 7 things about yourself.

  1. I love to laugh and giggle.
  2. I am pretty sure that I will never completely grow up.
  3. I am always trying something new whether it is a recipe, a craft, decorating, something new at work, whatever.
  4. I am impulsive which tends to get me in trouble.
  5. When someone tells me I can’t do something, I become extremely motivated to prove them wrong.
  6. I have a wonderful, tolerant husband, three adventurous children, two son-in-laws and two delightful grandchildren.
  7. I have a hard time saying no.

3. Nominate and link to 15 bloggers. These are the bloggers I follow and love to read – most if not all of them have already received the Versatile Blogger award and as you noticed, I nominated many of them above too. They get my attention each day on the web and are in no particular order:

  1. A Lighter Shade of Grey
  2. A Winsome Journey
  3. FiftyFourandAHalf
  4. Grace and Space
  5. notquiteold
  6. Old Girl New Tricks
  7. The Pearl
  8. UnderCover Surfer
  9. Writingfeemail’s Blog
  10. RvingGirl
  11. Back Road Journal
  12. Huffygirl’s Blog
  13. Sunny Side Up
  14. Indulge, Travel and New Experiences
  15. Left on Walnut

I hope you all have a wonderful 2012. Can’t wait to follow your journey…prairie_wisdom