Tag Archives: faith

Be Lifted High

“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in,
where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. ” John Muir

I love the prairie but there is something about the mountains that lifts my spirits. Maybe it is the vastness of the landscape. Maybe it is the quiet. Maybe it is the raw uncluttered beauty. Whatever it is, I find it healing and refreshing. Life is a journey with many bumps along the way. Nobody gets to go through life unscathed. Prairie wisdom taught to reach for joy each morning. What a beautiful morning this was.

“I called you answered and you came to my rescue and I wanna be where you are.
In my life be lifted high, In our world be lifted high, In our love be lifted high.”
~Came to My Rescue by Hillsong United